Our Services

Pressure Washing

Building Walls - Sidewalks - Parking Garages

Our professional team transforms your commercial property’s exterior with our specialized pressure washing services. We clean everything from building facades to parking lots and sidewalks, ensuring every surface is spotless. Using advanced equipment and techniques, we offer efficient and effective cleaning solutions tailored to your property’s needs. Our services not only improve the appearance of your business but also enhance its professional image. Trust us to provide high-quality results that leave a lasting impression on clients and visitors alike.

Window Cleaning

Exterior & Interior

Achieve sparkling clean windows that enhance your building’s appeal with our professional window cleaning service. We provide meticulous cleaning for both interior and exterior windows, leaving no streaks or smudges behind. Using high-quality equipment and eco-friendly solutions, we ensure a flawless shine and clear view. Whether for commercial or residential properties, we create a welcoming environment for your customers, tenants, and employees. Trust us to improve your building’s appearance and let natural light shine through.

Solar Panel Cleaning

Carports - Roofs - Ground

Ensure optimal performance of your solar panels with our expert cleaning services. Regular cleaning helps remove dirt, dust, and debris that can obstruct sunlight and reduce efficiency. We specialize in maintaining cleanliness to maximize energy output, ultimately saving you money on energy costs. Our services not only improve the performance of your solar panels but also extend their lifespan, protecting your investment for years to come. Trust our team to keep your solar panels in top condition, ensuring they continue to operate at their best.

Facade Cleaning

Curtain Walls - Aluminum Panels - Stone

Revitalize your building’s appearance with our comprehensive facade cleaning services. We specialize in removing dirt, grime, and pollutants from exterior surfaces, restoring a fresh, professional look. Our team uses advanced techniques and eco-friendly solutions to bring back your building’s beauty. Regular cleaning enhances curb appeal and helps protect your building from long-term damage. Trust us to maintain your exterior, leaving a lasting impression on clients and visitors.

Hard Water Stain Removal

Mineral Deposit Removal - Stone Stealing

Hard water stains are stubborn and can make your windows look unappealing, diminishing the overall appearance of your property. Our team uses specialized techniques and equipment to effectively remove these stains and restore your windows to their original shine. We carefully evaluate each window to choose the best method for a thorough, spotless clean. Removing hard water stains enhances both the clarity of your windows and the curb appeal of your building. Trust us to provide a lasting solution that keeps your windows looking pristine and well-maintained.

Gutter Cleaning

Keep your property safe and well-maintained with our expert gutter cleaning services. Our team specializes in removing debris, leaves, and dirt, ensuring that your gutters are clear and functioning properly. By maintaining proper drainage, we help protect your building from water damage, preventing costly repairs to the roof and foundation. Regular gutter cleaning preserves your property’s structural integrity and enhances its long-term value. Trust us to keep your gutters in top condition, safeguarding your property from the elements.

Christmas Light/Decor Installation

Tower Tree - Indoor Decor - Large Display Installation

Make your business stand out this holiday season with PF Building Services’ professional Christmas lighting and décor solutions. We specialize in designing, installing, and maintaining festive displays that enhance your property’s appeal and create a welcoming atmosphere for customers and employees. From elegant rooftop lighting to eye-catching storefront decorations, our team customizes every detail to match your brand and holiday vision. We handle everything, including takedown and storage, so you can enjoy a stress-free, beautifully lit holiday season. Let us help you make a lasting impression with stunning commercial holiday décor!

Janitorial / Day Porter

PF Building Services provides reliable and professional janitorial solutions to keep your business clean, safe, and welcoming. Our experienced team delivers customized cleaning services tailored to your facility’s needs, ensuring a spotless environment for employees and customers alike. From daily office cleaning to deep sanitation, we use high-quality products and industry-best practices to maintain a high standard of cleanliness. Whether you operate an office, retail space, or commercial facility, you can trust us for consistent, efficient, and discreet janitorial services that support your business’s success.


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